Rules & Regulations

  1. Boarders granted admission must arrive in the hostel a day before the school re-opens. Parents must intimate the hostel superintendent, the late arrival of their children, failing which a penalty of Rs.50/- per day will be charged.
  2. Boarders are not allowed to receive letters or money orders from the postman. Letters and money orders will be received by the hostel superintendent. Incoming and outgoing letters must go through the office. The Principal or the Warden has the authority to open the incoming letters for scrutiny and to withhold any undesirable letter from reaching the students.
  3. Standards of good behavior must be maintained inside as well as outside the school.
  4. Boarders must be punctual in responding to all school and hostel bells. Latecomers will be punished.
  5. Boarders must write home, letters every week and send them through the school office.
  6. Visits to or by persons unauthorized by parents or guardians, will be prohibited.
  7. There shall be absolute silence during periods of study, class hours, Chapel and Church services, School functions and afternoon rest hours on Sundays and holidays and after lights-out at night. Severe action will be taken against those disobeying this rule.
  8. Valuables such as radio transistors, gold in any form, expensive watches, cameras and expensive clothes are strictly prohibited. The management undertakes no responsibility for the loss of the same, should they be brought in.
  9. Clothes and other articles should be kept tidily in the lockers and trunks that are to be locked when not in use. All lockers and trunks are liable for inspection by the authorities without previous warning.
  10. Loss of property must be reported to the warden without delay.
  11. Beds are to be neatly made immediately upon rising.
  12. Climbing of trees and bedding is strictly prohibited.
  13. Boarders must be present for all meals unless special permission is obtained from the Warden/Principal to eat outside.